A Daily Prayer (by John Henry Newman)

May He support us all the day long, till the shades lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in His mercy may He give us a safe lodging, and a holy rest and peace at the last.


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Anima Christi (1)

Soul of Christ, sanctify me, Body of Christ, save me
Blood of Christ, inebriate me Water from Christ’s side wash me
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
O good Jesus, hear me
Within thy wounds hide me suffer me not to be separated from Thee from the malicious enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me
And bid me come to Thee that I may praise Thee with Thy saints and with Thy angels forever and ever.


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Anima Christi (2)  Pope John XXII (translated by Blessed John Henry Newman)

Soul of Christ, be my sanctification,
Body of Christ, be my salvation,
Blood of Christ, fill my veins
Water from the side of Christ, wash out my stains.
May Christ’s Passion strengthen me,
O good Jesus, hear me.
In thy wounds I fain would hide,
Never to be parted from thy side.
Guard me when my foes assail me,
Call me when my life shall fail me.
Command me then to come to thee.
That I for all eternity
With thy saints may praise thee.


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Forgiveness Prayer

(Rosamond Herklots)

Forgive us Lord, as we forgive, you taught us, Lord, to pray,
But you alone can grant us grace to live the words we say.

How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart,
That broods on wrongs and will not let old bitterness depart?

In blazing light your cross reveals the truth we dimly knew:
What trivial debts are owed to us, how great our debt to you!

Lord, cleanse the depths within our souls and bid resentment cease.
Then, bound to all in bonds of love, our lives will spread your peace.


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Prayer for a Happy Death

(John Henry Cardinal Newman)

Oh, my Lord and Saviour,
support me in that hour in the strong arms of Your Sacraments,
and by the fresh fragrance of Your consolations.
Let the absolving words be said over me,
and the holy oil sign and seal me,
and Your own Body be my food,
and Your Blood my sprinkling;
and let my sweet Mother, Mary, breathe on me,
and my Angel whisper peace to me,
and my glorious Saints smile upon me;
that in them all,
and through them all,
I may receive the gift of perseverance,
and die, as I desire to live,
in Your faith,
in Your Church,
in Your service,
and in Your love. Amen.

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Prayer for Christmas or Epiphany (Orthodox Liturgy)

What shall we present to you, O Christ,
for your coming to earth for us?
Each of your creatures brings you a thank-offering:
the angels – singing;
the heavens – a star;
the wise men – treasures;
the shepherds – devotion;
the earth – a cave;
the desert – a manger:
but we offer you the virgin-mother.
O eternal God, have mercy upon us.


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